Tuesday, January 18, 2005

My day~!

Today i woke up and had my devotion..the title was "what would you do when Jesus came?"...hmm....i dont think i am ready at all.That's why i got to do something~! do what? i also donno...But one thing i know,when he ever come...i will be very happy ;)

my fyp still is a drag...felt that the burden has lifted a little.After ,uch prayer and head cracking..now i got my viarable voltage regulator, fast switching gate drives done d..left with the PWm generator and current limiting circuit.when all done by this week (hopefully) i can starts working together with my partner ;) yipee~!

new year coming d lor...my family plans to go cameron Highlands and genting...both also at the top of a hill...why? i donno...wanna be closer to God kua..or just a pure coincidence..:)

ok for today...now is 2p.m d...can go lab and starts working on my project~! Gambatthe~!


Anonymous said...

yo alan , jason here, all d BEST in ur FYP~! ganbatehhh~!!! =)

Anonymous said...

hey alan all d best in ur FYP - jason -

Jowen said...

Hi Alan, God bless you in your FYP ya...Take Care brother:)

AL said...

thanks dudes.~!! come often yah...i will try to update whenever i am free